Overthinking it
Do you repeatedly go over stuff that’s already happened, agonise over the future and obsessively go over scenarios of what could happen?
Links to a collection of useful media resources that our clinicians have contributed to.
Do you repeatedly go over stuff that’s already happened, agonise over the future and obsessively go over scenarios of what could happen?
Worrying about the future is totally normal. While everyone else looks like they’re sorted, chances are they’re just as weighed down in decision-fatigue.
Some rules are not meant to be broken! Here are the ones you need to know before scoring an after-school job.
Bullying. Why does it happen, and how can I deal with it? Once upon a time bullying was something obvious, a fight in the playground, name calling or teasing. But with the advent of mobile phones and internet there are all-new battlefields.
Children as young as eight are being treated for anxiety problems triggered by social networking sites. Psychologists say modern technology is producing a growing number of children needing therapy to deal with distress arising from posts on Facebook and other sites.
Given that relationships are such a huge aspect of life, can parents help children understand love from a young age, setting them up with realistic expectations?
In the era of “is nothing private any more?” thousands of women are revealing their pregnancy test results live on camera and posting the videos on YouTube.
Hot days, long car trips and hours spent in close quarters. Yep, holiday season can be a breeding ground for fights in the family.
When it comes to love, is “head over heels” the only variety?